Systematic prolonged video-electroencephalograms identify electrographic seizures in 5% of acute stroke patients with aphasia.

Source: Rev Neurol (Paris)

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In stroke units, diagnosing seizures may be difficult, especially in aphasic patients. We discuss herein our systematic 4-hour video EEG monitoring of 61 patients with aphasia within the first 72hours after the onset of ischaemic stroke. Five electrographic seizures were identified in 3 patients, with no clinical signs apparent on the video and no symptoms reported by patients. We did not record status epilepticus nor generalized seizure. Comparative analyses disclosed a higher risk of early seizures in patients with haemorrhagic transformation. Video EEG monitoring detected electrographic seizures in 5% of stroke patients with aphasia. This monitoring could be useful for selected patients, especially those with haemorrhagic transformation.